

16th Jun 2021, 5:58 PM
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Save my Place Load my Place

Author Notes:

Smittle 16th Jun 2021, 5:58 PM
it's a long time a'comin

I apologize for the inconvenience i've probably caused.

I love this ol' comic but it's. But the majority of the time I feel like I’m in a silent void or something. I was in a werid place last year needless to say. I still love drawing this comic though. it's not an "indefinite hiatus" i made a choice not to work on this comic for next handful of months.

it'll be back. maybe. also, there's a modified version of this comic on Webtoon aswell! it's not all sorrows. thank you again, i'm going back to my sadshell now


ColdFusion 17th Jun 2021, 2:16 PM
I understand, you won't be the first to have this kind of setback. Whatever you make next I just hope I find out about it :D
I suppose I should have the webtoons version too if it's modified :V
Guest 2nd Apr 2022, 2:18 AM
I like the story, and very stylish young people all mysterious. Have you read the book Frankenstein of Baghdad? Really crazy story.